1. Create a virtual MAC for the failover IP in OVH Manager
  2. Add an additional switch to VMware
  3. Create a VM for pfSense (FreeBSD 64bits), add 2 nics, one connected to each switch (WAN and LAN)
  4. Set the VM’s WAN adapter MAC address to the OVH virtual MAC created on step1
  5. Install pfSense using the LiveCD
  6. Add both NIC’s in pfSense. WAN should be em0 and LAN will be em1
  7. Once pfSense is booted, set the WAN IP
  8. Choose option 8) Shell
    1. route add -net x.x.x.254/32 -iface em0
    2. route add default x.x.x.254
    3. ** WHERE x.x.x is the IP address of the VMWare HOST
    4. Ping (if this doesn’t work, review previous steps)
  9. In another VM which has as NIC on LAN and IP in 192.168.1.x, goto
    1. admin:pfsense
  10. In Firewall > NAT, Outbound add a rule.
  11. Leave everything unchanged except Source Address: and add a description
  12. In Services > DHCP Server, LAN set the Gateway to
  13. Done (almost). You should now be able to ping the Internet from your VMs on the LAN

The routes added will clear themselves when the firewall is rebooted.  Here is how to make them permanent.

Optionally but suggested, install Open-VM Vmware tools

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