Ever tried to copy-paste from your computer to a VMWare virtual machine through the vSphere Client?  Not working?  Well, that’s normal according to VMWare.  Starting with vSphere 4.1, copy-paste is disabled by default.  See here for reference on VMWare website.

Here is an easy way to enable it for all VMs at once.

  1. Log into the service console.  If you are not familiar on how to do that, click here to see my quick post on the subject.
  2. Edit file /etc/vmware/config
    vi /etc/vmware/config
  3. Add the following two lines to the end of the file

    If you’re not familiar with vi text editor, this step can be a bit tricky so here are detailed steps.

    1. Once in vi editor, before doing anything, press the “i” key, this will enable insert mode.
    2. Scroll to the end of the file and to the end of the line and press Enter to add a blank line.
    3. Copy the text and paste it using your right mouse button.
    4. Press ESCAPE key to go out of insert mode
    5. Type “:wq” command to write the file and quit
  4. You’re done. Config will be enabled on the next reboot of each VM.

Note: These options do not persist after an upgrade. If you upgrade to a newer version after enabling these options, the changes are lost and you may have to re-enable them.

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