This website
What you will find here are mostly solutions to problems I experienced in my day-to-day tasks. I do developement and administration on Windows and Linux systems so expect some stuff around those areas.
PFSense on OVH VM
Create a virtual MAC for the failover IP in OVH Manager Add an additional switch to VMware Create a VM for pfSense (FreeBSD 64bits), add 2 nics, one connected to each switch (WAN and LAN) Set the VM’s WAN adapter MAC address to the OVH virtual MAC created on step1 Install pfSense using the LiveCD […]
Writing to windows event log and fixing “the description for event id cannot be found”
When developing a .Net application and trying to write to the eventlog, the actual message in the event log might contain: The description for event id 0 cannot be found This is usually due to the registry key HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog\[myLog]\[mySource]\EventMessageFile not being correctly set or not set at all. In my case, the application was running […]
Access a VMFS drive under windows
Here is a procedure how to access a hard drive formatted in VMWare’s VMFS file system from Windows. This could be handy if an ESXi host crashes, if a hard drive fails or for digital forensics. 1- Download VMFS driver : 2- Unzip it to a path-friendly location (C:\vmfs) 3- Make sure java.exe is in your […]
Plesk users passwords
If you need to get your Plesk users’s password, the information is stored in a database named psa and in a table named accounts. The passwords are not hashed, they are only stored as BLOBs in Plesk 10 or later (previous versions were clear text) so a simple CONVERT can list them. Start mysql and […]
OpenVZ / Proxmox – How to share folders between VMs or between Host and VM
Notes: This must be run on hardware node (host) Replace 102 with your container ID (Id of virtual machine) Create /common-stuff folder in VM before restarting vi /etc/vz/conf/102.mount paste: #!/bin/bash source /etc/vz/vz.conf source ${VE_CONFFILE} mount -n –bind /common-stuff ${VE_ROOT}/common-stuff chmod +x /etc/vz/conf/102.mount Restart VM Sources:
BizTalk and OAGIS xsd – building Component_Schemas
I tried following this procedure to use OAGI schema in BizTalk and got a few problems so here are the solutions. Problem #1 On build of project Component_Schemas: Error: Node “<Schema>” – This schema file has a TypeName that collides with the RootNode TypeName of one of its root nodes. Solution #1 For all errors, […]
Remote Desktop Session automatic logoff on Windows 2008 R2
This is another annoying setting in Windows 2008 R2, especially when a virtual machine is used for development. To deactivate the automatic logoff of a disconnected session in Windows Server 2008 R2… Go to Administrative Tools > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration Select top left node (RD Session Host Configuration) In the […]
SharePoint 2010 – fix changing computer name
If you have a SharePoint installation and for some reason you changed the name of the machine on which the SQLServer instance is running, SharePoint won’t be able to connect to the database server anymore. The reason is because SharePoint stores the computer name (netbios name) in many places in its configuration database. In order […]
SSRS report execution time
This query will list the 100 reports that took the longest time to run today. You must be connected to the SSRS engine, not the database engine. use [ReportServer] select top 100 datediff(s,EL.TimeStart,EL.TimeEnd) as ‘Runtime(secs)’, C.Name, EL.Status, EL.Username, EL.TimeStart, EL.TimeEnd, EL.TimeDataRetrieval/1000 as TimeDataRetrieval, –Time it took to get the data from the datasource EL.TimeProcessing/1000 as […]
SQL Date and time fun